jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

Task-Based Language Teaching 

Hello!Last class in English and it's teaching III we worked on a chapter about TBLT.
For homework ,I had to think of a task and classify it in terms of macrofunction,microfuction and grammar ,and also I had to do a six step sequence.

 Syllabus design considerations: at a broader syllabus level,task are tied together topically/thematically ,through the macrofunctions .microfunctions and grammatical elements they express.
For example:

Now let's see how we can develop instructional sequences around tasks.
Here's my six-step procedure:

Thanks for reading!

3 comentarios:

  1. This happened to a friend! Luckily, she knows a lot of English so she could solve the problem.

  2. Very good work!!! Question: in step 4, what language items did you have in mind? What do you want the students to focus on?

  3. I think that they can focus on adjectives in order to describe the places(as in step 2 they will have to concentrate on activities they can do there)
